PiXel8 Radio Frequency Micro-needling

The PiXel8-RF device uses radiofrequency energy alongside minimally invasive micro-needles to facilitate effective, non-surgical, skin tightening with little to no downtime. During the treatment, heat is driven deep within the skin layers to stimulate and remodel collagen and cause elastin cells to regenerate. This results in a firmer, smoother, and more consistent skin surface. The amount of energy delivered into the tissue is adjustable and the micro-needles can be adjusted from .5mm up to 3.5mm to address each individual patient’s needs.

This treatment differs from traditional microneedling because of the addition of radiofrequency energy. Thermal energy is delivered to deeper tissue which causes it to contract and promote additional skin tightening benefits with less downtime.

Not only can this procedure tighten loose/lax skin but can improve skin texture, reduce the appearance of pore size, improve brown skin discoloration and sun spots, improve acne scarring and other scars and diminish fine lines.

This treatment is also effective in cellulite reduction.

How long does the treatment take?

30-60 minutes

Is the treatment painful?

We will apply a topical numbing cream to the treatment area for about 20 minutes prior to the procedure, which results in an essentially painless treatment.

What can I expect after the treatment?

After the treatment, your skin will be flushed (pink).  It is recommended to avoid application of make-up for about 12 hours after receiving micro-needling.  As always, a physical sun blocking SPF of at least 30 is recommended.

How can I maximize the results?

By adding PRP to your treatment! Platelet rich plasma (PRP) has been shown to improve healing time and maximize the results of this treatment.  PRP is obtained from the patient by a simple blood draw and applied to the skin after treatment.  PRP contains growth factors that help stimulate additional collagen formation.

How many treatments are recommended?

Results are noticeable after one treatment; however, a series of three treatments spaced every four weeks is highly recommended.